Products based on data

We specialize in eCommerce with own projects that make sales more efficient, handle high loads per managers, and help customers achieve their targets.

Geek’s clothing brand

Welcome, time travelers! BrotherTakeMeBack is your brand for clothing and accessories that will make your fellow engineers, gamers, scientists, and extraordinary minds raise an envious eyebrow.

Geek's brand

Marketplace Seller Brand

Trusted destination for car accessories and DIY goods designed to empower car and home owners. With a deep understanding of the unique needs and desires of customers, we curate a wide range of products that combine style, functionality, and ease of use.

Geek's brand

Solar Investment App Calc

Mobile App Calculator the payback period for installing solar panels for households. It helps to understand how much you need to invest and when the investment will return, estimate the risks and choose an installer in your region.

Geek's brand